In the beginning of 2004, several companies engaged in various sectors collaborated on addressing the problem of counterfeiting in Indonesia. The Collaboration has led into the establishment called Indonesian Anti-Counterfeiting Society (MIAP) and set a strategic plan to:
“Reduce the negative impacts and to combat counterfeiting cases in cooperation with the authorities, as well as to raise public awareness, consumer protection through socialization and education activities”.
MIAP’s medium and long-term strategic plan includes several activities aimed at completing the prevailing system in Indonesia by strengthening law enforcement and seeking preventive measures against the infringement of Intellectual Property (IP) in several ways as follows:
MIAP is a non profit organization that carries the mission of its member to strategically support and seek solution to combat counterfeiting issues in Indonesia through strategic alliance and partnership with relevant stakeholders in Indonesia.
The stakeholders’ efforts had already shown positive impact of IP improvement in Indonesia. However, to eradicate the roots and causes, relevant stakeholders must work together to establish a unified approach to: